I'm trying to find a way to integrate OSG into a generic app for iOS, but
I'm facing some problems. Maybe I'm missing something, but as far as I've
understood, it looks like that, in order to use OSG on iOS, I must always
use the UIWindow and the corresponding UIView/UIViewController objects
created by means of GraphicsWindowIOS::WindowData...but in this way I find
difficult to later manage those UIView and UIViewController objects
especially if I need to integrate them in a dynamic view hierarchy.

What I'd like to do is to create a UIView-derived class that encapsulates
everything required to use OSG to draw in just that view, then I'd like to
manage that view by my own UIViewController (not related to OSG).

Is there a way to do this with what is already available in OSG (2.9.13)? If
not, can anyone suggest what (beyond creating a context and all OpenGLES
related stuff) the UIView-derived class should do from the OSG point of

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