Hello J-S

I checked your solution, putting 32bit and 64bit in 3dparty directory....
It doesn't work...not only JPEG_LIBRARY but also JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR are 
missing....worse than putting 32bit only solution...

I dont know how to fix this problem.... I will take AlphaPixel dependencies to 
instead of original dependencies.


[Image: http://i55.tinypic.com/apctvm.jpg ]

Skylark wrote:
> Hello Nan,
> > When compiling osg source code, I followed the instruction here:
> > http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Downloads/Dependencies
> > download 3rdParty_VC9sp1_x86_x64_V5.7z and put 32bit version in
> > C:\OpenSceneGraph-2.8.4\3rdParty
> > then add the ENV variable OSG_3RDPARTY_DIR to auto configure CMake
> > 
> > But When I use Cmake to generate project....it reports that some of the 
> > libs are missing, i.e. jpeg, png, freetype.....
> > 
> I think you need to put the whole package (i.e. both the 32bit and 64 
> bit subdirectories) in that directory and make OSG_3RDPARTY_DIR to the 
> directory containing both. The CMake scripts will automatically use the 
> 32bit or 64bit depending on the type of build you're doing.
> But the other thing is, I'm not sure if the OSG 2.8 branch (which 2.8.4 
> is based on) has the CMake changes that use the OSG_3RDPARTY_DIR env 
> var. I recently built OSG from SVN from scratch, using that same 
> 3rdparty package, and setting the OSG_3RDPARTY_DIR to the right 
> directory (the directory containing 32bit and 64bit subdirectories) and 
> it worked fine for me. All the basic dependencies (jpeg, png, freetype 
> included) were found.
> On the other hand, if the 3rdparty packages from AlphaPixel work for 
> you, just use that... Or you can also specify the libraries and include 
> paths manually, though that's a bit tedious.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S
> -- 
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