"aaron wetzler" writes:

> Hi,
> I have the following task to do:
> 1. Import a mesh of a hand (.obj) into blender. Create an armature in Blender 
> 2. Skin the armature with the hand mesh.
> 3. Export this armature and mesh into OSG.
> 4. Alter the armature poses in OSG and output a set of jpgs or bmps of the 
> depth maps of the resulting poses.
> I have done 1 and 2 but dont know how to do 3 and 4. What format can I output 
> from Blender that OSG will be able to understand? What part of OSG should I 
> be using? OSGAnimation? 
> I imagine step 3 is totally standard so thats the most critical part for me 
> because I have no idea how to go about it.
> I am a relative newbie to the world of meshes and animation and would really 
> appreciate some help because I have been stuck on this for two weeks and I 
> cant do it by myself.
> Thanks!
> Looking forward to hearing from the forum :)

I think you are almost finishing step 3 since I saw you in the blender
exporter thread.

For posing the hand, you have several choices: pose it in blender
in a predefined animation and then reproduce it with OSG or just move
the model by modifying the bones transformation matrix in OSG. You were
right, osgAnimation is the library to use.

For the depth map capturing, I would render to texture using a Camera
which would store the depth component of the rendered image.


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