Hi All,

it works for me as expected now.
First I attach a new viewport with e.g. half res of my output window, and 
attach a texture with the same half res to the Color Buffer of the Camera. This 
can be done with different Cams and resolutions, if you have some funky 
    camera -> setViewport( new osg::Viewport( 0 , 0 , halfResWidth , 
halfResHeight ) ) ;
    camera -> attach( osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER0 , textureColor ) ; // has also 

At the end of the pipeline I tell the unitOut not to use any camera viewport as 
( size ) reference, and add another Viewport with the full resolution of my 
output window.
    unitOut -> setInputTextureIndexForViewportReference( -1 ) ; // Don't use 
any Camera Viewport as reference
    unitOut -> setViewport( new osg::Viewport( 0 , 0 , fullResWidth , 
fullResHeight ) ) ;

That's it.

With out of Sync I meant that the visual scale of the Glowed scene had not the 
same size as the visual scale of the non glowed scene. My mistake was, that I 
tried to scale up the viewports that were attached to the cameras ( main and 
glow ), but should have done that with the viewport attached to unitOut. 
Everything is working fine now :-)
But still a good Debugging Hint, didn't know that till now. 

Cheers, PP

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