On Thu, 2011-07-28 at 14:22 +0200, Daniel Cámpora wrote:
> The examples don't contain exactly what I want to do. I'd like to have an 
> EventHandler triggered with the mouseRelease action, but I need to keep the 
> GUIEventAdapter and GUIActionAdapter parameters. As far as I can tell, I 
> can't do this with the current mouseHandler / keyboardHandler for the 
> widgets, right?
> However, it would be nice to extend the functionality, so that I could avoid 
> implementing again the logic to pick the correct widget.
> The needs that bring up keeping the GUI parameters are so that all the 
> information can be accessed from the Release event itself. Eg say I want to 
> trigger new events only if I clicked in a widget.

Ahh, now I see what you're saying. Unfortunately, this won't be possible
without reimplementing a lot of code. What information are you missing?
Perhaps there is an alternative way to get it?

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