
you could also try setting the LODscale:

I'm doing this when creating an ortho camera for osgEarth scenes and placing the camera far from the earth.


On 10/08/2011 16:14, Emmanuel Roche wrote:
Thanks for those inputs Sergey, but actually I tried to follow the way
described in another OSG post: to create a custom CullVisitor and
override the getDistanceFromViewPoint() method:

And this seems to work great !!

Just in case someone would need some hints on this:

1. To override the CullVisitor, I do soemthing like:

MyOwnCullVisitor)  (do this for id=0 and 1)

2. In my own cull visitor I then have something like:

     virtual float getDistanceToViewPoint(const osg::Vec3& pos, bool
withLODScale) const
         if(_lastTraversalNumber!=_traversalNumber) {
             // Retrieve the beamTarget position X and use it as -Z
position in the view frame:
             osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* beamTarget =
             CHECK_POINTER(beamTarget,"Invalid beamTarget PAT in

             double offset = beamTarget->getPosition().x();
             referencePoint = osg::Vec3(0.0,0.0,-offset);
             _lastTraversalNumber = _traversalNumber;

         osg::Matrixd mat;
         if(!_modelviewStack.empty()) {
             const osg::RefMatrix* mview = _modelviewStack.back().get();

         osg::Vec3f localViewPoint = referencePoint*mat;

         //wxLogMessage("I'm in my special getDistanceToViewPoint!");
         if (withLODScale) return
         else return (pos-localViewPoint).length();

And with this I get the expected results without significant performance

So all good for me.


2011/8/10 Sergey Polischuk <pol...@yandex.ru <mailto:pol...@yandex.ru>>

    osg::LOD have option to use object's size on screen (in pixels?)
    instead of distance to camera to determine which lod to use, you can
    try these setting.
    10.08.2011, 16:03, "Emmanuel Roche" <roche.emman...@gmail.com

        Hi everyone,

        I've have a specific question for which I could use some

        - I'm quite up-to-date with OSG 3.0.0 and osgEarth current git
        - I'm build an app where I use the osgEarth library to display
        the earth model.
        - When I setup a camera on that model, I use a camera with a
        very very small field of view (about 0.5 degrees in both
        horizontal and vertical directions), and my camera is actually
        far away from the earth model I'm looking at.

        - as a result of this, only low resolution tiles are loaded
        (because the camera distance to the tiles is used to diced what
        to load or not).

        - What I want to do is : to get high resolution tiles displayed
        around the ground location the camera is pointing at even if it
        is "physically" far away. then, because (or thanks to?) the
        small field of view, I would still see the local details on the
        high res tile textures.

        So, any advise how to achieve this ?

        - so far I have tried the following:
           1. Setup this famous camera just as described before,
           2. Add a slave camera, using the earth as child too, but this
        time, positioned very close to the first camera target point on
        earth (and looking "down" that point from the local zenith).

        Both cameras share the same databasepager (I think) and high res
        tiles are indeed properly loaded because of the second camera
        cull traversal. The problem is: I was expecting the loaded tiles
        to be "shared" by both cameras, yet that is not the case: I
        still only get the low res tiles displayed by the "far away
        camera". Is there a way to "share the tiles" as I was expecting ?

        - The other main idea I have then would be to find a way to
        "trick" the cull traversal of the far away camera so that, when
        traversing pagedLODs the reported distance to the tile would be
        as if the camera was actually much closer to its target point on
        the ground. Would that be a good idea ? Any hint on how to
        proceed then ??

        - of course, option 3 would be to actually move the camera to
        that close location and change the field of view to a bigger
        value to try to approximate the previous small field of view
        coverage. But the point is, this camera is meant for a simulator
        system, and the generated view should not "approximate the
        actual view", it should really be the same, so computing a new
        field of view would actually be impossible (or too complex to be
        worth at least).


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