On 09/14/2011 01:36 PM, Aurelien Albert wrote:

This is a question about legal statement, not technical.

I'm working on a commercial project based on OSG.

I made a dynamic library "3dstuff.dll" with all my 3D stuff, this DLL uses OSG.

Can I use static linking of OSG with my "3dstuff.dll" to distribute only this 
DLL with my executable file ?

Or is it an OSG license violation and I have to distribute OSG as a set of 
dynamic librairies ? (osg.dll, osgGA.dll, osgXX.dll ....)

I ask this question here because I found this :

"The OpenSceneGraph Public License is designed to be compatible with use of 
proprietary applications, such applications can statically and dynamically link to the 
OpenSceneGraph and can be redistributed with the libraries free of charge. Your 
applications can be distributed under any license, be it open source or proprietary."

at http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Legal

which seems to say "ok, you can do that"

But in the complete license text, here : 
http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/attachment/wiki/Legal/LICENSE.txt I 
didn't find anything about static linking.

The relevant text is in the wxWindows exception #2 near the top:

   2. The exception is that you may use, copy, link, modify and
   distribute under the user's own terms, binary object code versions
   of works based on the Library.

Meaning that you are not required to distribute your own source code when you link it against OSG (either statically or dynamically).

This is provided that you don't copy any code into OpenSceneGraph or your own code that is licensed as LGPL or GPL-only (as stated in exception #3).

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