
> Just a small note, the way to do stereo at the viewer level would be
> to use two slave Camera attached to one View(er), rather than two View
> attached to the CompositeViewer. The master Camera of the View(er)
> would be controlled by the head tracking, while the eye offsets would
> be done as projection and modelview offset matrices associate with
> each slave Camera.

Is this how OSG handles stereo internally? We're using VRJuggler for head 
tracking and are most of the time using quad buffer stereo in VRJ but at times 
we want to render anaglyph/checkerboard stereo for testing purposes. It would 
be nice if we could use OSG's internal stereo rendering instead of writing our 

>From VRJ we can get the projection settings for each eye but I can't find any 
>individual cameras for the eyes in the Viewer we are using.

We're setting the stereo with



We're looking at the properties for the Viewer we are using by calling:

osgViewer::ViewerBase::Cameras cams;
osgViewer::ViewerBase::Views views;

int slaves = mViewer->getNumSlaves();

mViewer->getCameras( cams, false );
mViewer->getViews( views, false );

We get these results:
- 1 View, 1 Camera, 0 Slaves
- The Viewer Camera only has 1 Child.
- The View has 0 slaves and the View Camera has 1 child

Is it not possible to get to the projection settings for each eye or am I doing 
something wrong?


Thank you!


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