
I know this has been discussed more then once before, but I still don't get the details.
In my setup I'd like to use something like (this is supposed to be a table

Input        Cam        Output
Tex1        Cam1        Tex2
Tex2        Cam2        Tex3
Tex3        Cam3        Tex4
... and so on
TexN       OutCam    FrameBuffer

I've setup the cameras to be PRE_RENDER with increasing render_order exept for the last which is POST_RENDER.
All cameras have are in a separate Group which are all attached to the root.
The root is given to the viewer and a TrackballManipulator is attached to the viewer.

Now if I move the scene, I can clearly see, that e.g. Tex2 is from a previous frame when processed in Cam2. (I'm doing blending of different scene parts here, and you can clearly see that some parts are from the previous frame, as if the rendering is done in wrong order).

How do I have to place the cameras in the scene graph?
All under root like this:


or rather hierarchical?

Or do I have to add them to the viewer in a different way?

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