
I try to build a database with DEM but without textures. 
After 317 tasks it fails and has still 1595182 tasks pending. After the fail it 
blacklists the one machine and so finishes the run.

The log file of one of these tasks is the following:


0.129        : Adding terrainTile 
5.253        : getTaskName(5,33,0) no nest, 6 12
5.253        : DataSet::_run() 6 12
17.588       : started DataSet::createDestination(13)
17.637       : Time for after_reproject 0.049001
17.686       : local_extents = xMin() -180.000000 180.000000
17.686       :                 yMin() -60.000000 60.000000
17.686       : AR=3.000000 C1=3 R1=1
17.686       : createNewDestinationGraph
17.926       : Time for _destinationGraph->computeMaximumSourceResolution() = 
17.926       : Time for createDestinationGraph 0.240480
17.926       : Time for after_computeNeighbours 0.000010
17.926       : completed DataSet::createDestination(13)
17.926       : Error: no destination graph built, cannot proceed with build.
17.926       : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesAdded 
terrain_subtile_L5_X33_Y0/terrain_L5_X33_Y0.osgb.task.0.added, 0
17.926       : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesRemoved 
terrain_subtile_L5_X33_Y0/terrain_L5_X33_Y0.osgb.task.0.removed, 0
17.926       : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesModified 
terrain_subtile_L5_X33_Y0/terrain_L5_X33_Y0.osgb.task.0.modified, 0
17.926       : Elapsed time = 17.926306

The situation is the same if i resume the build with 


vpbmaster --tasks build_master.tasks 

It reloads all tasks from file and than again fails on the identical tasks.

I don't know why osgdem complains about the missing destination graph with


Error: no destination graph built, cannot proceed with build.

Any idea why it fails?

my system is:
Kubuntu 10.04  64 bit.
Kernel 2.6.38-11-generic 
OSG and VPB from trunk last week.

Thank you for your help,

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