Hello all,

I start with dted data and use gdal_translate to convert this data to a 
geotiff.  This geotiff has 278x305 pixels.  The lat-lon bounding box has right 
angles in lat-lon space, but due to the mercator projection being used, the 
geotiff has some no-data areas along the edges.  

I then run osgdem using the following command:

osgdem --geocentric -d elevation.tif -l 1 -o elevation.osg --POLYGONAL 

When I view this elevation.osg file in wireframe I see that the primitives that 
make up the terrain are large if there is a small elevation gradient and small 
if there is a large elevtion gradient.  This makes sense; it's only using as 
much detail as needed.  For my purposes, I want a set of primitives that is in 
the same grid as the original pixel map.  So, I repeat the osgdem command above 
but add the --no-terrain-simplification flag.  When I look at this osg file in 
wireframe, I see that it has created a 63x63 pixel terrain, with each pixel 
made up of two triangles.  There is also a second primitiveset that is simply a 
quadstrip that wraps around the edge of my terrain.  This is close to what I 
want, but my questions is this:

Why is the osg terrain 63x63 when the source geotiff was 278x305?  What process 
is osgdem using to determine how many of these two-triangle-pixels to put in 
each direction in the output product?  Do I have any control over these 
parameters without modifying the osgdem src?  I've looked at all the osgdem 
flags and nothing jumped out at me.  

Thanks so much for any help you can give me.

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