Hello OSG-Users,

(I'm writing a display application, using osgviewerQt)

I'm looking for a way to check, whether I need to redraw the scene to skip a 
redraw, if would be the same as the previous (fixed image). Or is this already 
done by osg-library?
I figured, I only need a redraw, if
a) Camera changes (position, field of view)
b) scene changes (geometry changes, color changes)

Unfortunately my first guesses and web searches were not successful, e.g. I 
saved the cameras ViewMatrix ( getCamera()->getViewMatrix() ) after a call of 
frame() to compare it to the current before the next call of frame(). Oddly the 
seem to change every time, even though the Viewer showed a fixed image.

Can anyone point me to a direction and offer hints, to how I can achieve this?
Am I carrying coals to Newcastle, since OSG would already be doing this and/or 
I only forgot to set a flag?

Thanks in advance and sunny greetings
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