Hi Martin,

Be aware that for some combinaison of driver/hardware, VBO just don't work 
I've encoutered the case on  some Intel/ATI chipsets. 
A simple terrain created with VPB couldn't be loaded.
With VBO OFF, everything was OK.

Be also aware that if you use small geometries, there is a high overhead 
with VBO at initialization. 

It could be a good idea to make VBO you default implementation, but don't 
forget to have fallbacks when things will go wrong (especially if you have 
no control over target hardware)



De :
"Martin Großer" <grosser.mar...@gmx.de>
A :
OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
28/02/2012 13:01
Objet :
Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.
Envoyé par :


thanks to you, it was very helpful. Now I will only use VBOs.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:44:15 +0100
> Von: Daniel Trstenjak <daniel.trsten...@science-computing.de>
> An: OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
> Betreff: Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

> Hi Martin,
> > That is basically true. I want to get a feeling about DisplayLists and
> > VBOs. I know that the display list is a precompiled sequence of OpenGL
> > commands. That is the reason that I tought the display lists should be
> > faster. But the question isn't the comparison, but the slow render
> > performance when I want to use display lists. I think everything is
> > wrong in my implementation. But I don't know what.
> My point about system/graphics card memory is wrong. I thought
> about glVertexPointer, but this call isn't even compiled into
> a display list and shouldn't be used with one.
> So OSG will most likely use glBegin/glEnd to put the vertex data into
> the display list.
> It boils down to what Mathias ;) said, it's an implementation issue,
> dirty corner cases and driver developers don't optimize the
> display lists anymore, because they're deprecated and just not used
> that much anymore.
> Greetings,
> Daniel
> -- 
>  Daniel Trstenjak         Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
>  science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
>  Hagellocher Weg 73       mailto: daniel.trsten...@science-computing.de
>  D-72070 Tübingen         WWW   : http://www.science-computing.de/ 
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