
You mentioned that "you need the libpng development libraries installed on your 
system".  The closest thing I have to that is ReaderWriterPNG.cpp under 
OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1/src/osgPlugins/png.  Is that it?  If not, where would I 
download what I need for my version of OGS?  Is it documented anywhere that you 
have to do this if you want to do PNG?

Doing a search in Synaptic Package Manager it shows packages such as 
linpng12-dev and linpng++-dev but I have no idea if those are compatible with 

You mentioned "I'm guessing you installed OSG-3.0.0 from a package in your Linux
distribution".  The only thing available from Synaptic Package Manager was 
version 2.8.3 so I downloaded version 3.0.0 from the OSG site.  After I 
installed it (didn't need to build from source), I found out a mistake had been 
made in it and they had left out the Qt support.  OSG V 3.0.1 didn't have a 
binary you could download so I had to build it from source.

Thank you!


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