Hello Robert

Your right I should be more precise with my language.

I was wondering if there are collections of shapes available for use in 
OpenSceneGraph applications.

I was thinking more like the the mathematically defined shapes that Christian 
But the objects that Andrew suggested would be great too.

Shapes that could be used to compose a scene. OSG has some basic shapes and 
osgWorks has a few more,
but I was wondering it there were any other collections out there in the big 
wide world.

The library of shapes would of course be probably open source as it OSG, so of 
course there use would
require abiding by the OpenSceneGraph Public License, or the licence that the 
object/shape library used.

Sorry for any confusion.



Begin forwarded message:

> From: Christian Buchner <christian.buch...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] Any libraries of public domain shapes for Open Scene 
> Graph?
> Date: 19 March, 2012 3:10:37 AM MDT
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
> Reply-To: OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
> I am not the original poster, but I'd love to see a library of
> implicitly (mathematically) defined shapes that use GLSL
> raytracing/raymarching for rendering. So you can get perfect spheres
> without any geometry load.
> Spheres, Cones, etc... that kind of stuff that is hard to tacke with meshes.
> If the GLSL allowed for flexibly defined material properties, this
> would be even nicer.
> Christian
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> osg-users mailing list
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On 2012-03-19, at 3:15 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:

> Quoting Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Barry,
>> On 18 March 2012 22:01, Barry <evan...@telusplanet.net> wrote:
>>> I would like to know if there are libraries of public domain shapes for 
>>> Open Scene Graph, other than the basic ones provided?
>> I'm rather perplexed by what your actually mean, I'm sure others will
>> be similarly confused by what exactly you are asking.  Could you
>> please explain what you are specifically looking for.  Also I'd like
>> to note that the OpenSceneGraph (OSG) is not public domain, it's open
>> source, and 3rd party open source tooklits associated with the OSG
>> will also not be public domain.
>> Robert.
> I'm reading this to be models of things such as the Utah Teapot, cars, 
> planes, animals, etc etc etc that is stuff in a format suitable for easy 
> reading into OSG apps, such as the reflective cow. Just out of interest, does 
> the cow have a name - Beryl? Daisy? Bert??????
> Prepared to be proven wrong,
>          Andrew
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