Hi Cedric,

The TriStripVisitor is really something that was valuable 5+ years
ago, these days modern graphics cards prefer larger primitive batches
using index triangle meshes, with the index ordering optimized to make
the best use of the vertex cache on the GPUs.  The problem with
tri-stripping is that it creates a large number of PrimtiveSet's which
creates more OpenGL calls than a smaller number of larger

Use of the MeshOptimizer would probably be a the best default for
Simplifer now.  Right now you can use the
Simplifier::setDoTriStrip(bool) method to switch off the use of
tristripping, but I now inclined to think we should have an enum that
tells the Simplifer what post processing it should do on the data.


On 27 March 2012 00:57, Cedric Pinson <cedric.pin...@plopbyte.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert and all users,
> I was wondering if it still makes sense to use the stripifier like in the
> osgUtils::simplifier, in the end it generates a lot of draw calls and make
> the geometry slow. To fix this I disabled the stripifier in my osgconv bin
> when using simplifier.
> I was curious if it makes sense for some other usage ? in the osgjs I use it
> but at the end I generate dummy vertexes to make one big strip without that
> it just drains performance.
> I mean if everybody feels the same we could start to submit patch to avoid
> it or as a standalone operation.
> Any other thoughts about it ?
> Cedric Pinson
> Provide OpenGL, WebGL services
> +33 659 598 614 -
> http://cedricpinson.com - http://osgjs.org - http://showwebgl.com
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