Hi Frederic,

I have a quick look up on the GL primitive restart and understand it a
bit better now.  As this feature has to be enabled/disabled using
glEnable/glDisable it naturally would be an StateSet::setMode() rather
than something embedded in a DrawElements.  The
glPrimitiveRestartIndex call is also something I would be inclined to
put in it's own dedicate StateAttribute as it's likely to be something
that one would set to a particular value for a subgraph and not change
it.  When working to get the best performance out of OpenGL is crucial
to minimize the number of separate glEnable/glDisable and other OpenGL
calls that change the state machine, the OSG manages this by having
fine grained lazy state updating so the setMode and custom
StateAttribute suggestion here would take advantage of this - whereas
putting these in DrawElements work break this lazy state updating
facility and lower performance.  Putting the mode changes into an
DrawElements would also leave the door open to mode changes being done
within a display list which will break the lazy state updating
mechanism and lead to state leakage.

Using a custom StateAttribute for glPrimitiveRestartIndex would
however cause problems for code that parses DrawElements without
knowing that there is a special index embedded it in.  To handle this
one would need to watch out for this custom state attribute and mode
in the parental path and then it's it's value when parsing the

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