Hi Robert

So I installed joomla on my server and have had a little play with it, seems 
easy enough to edit stuff

>>Thanks for doing the experimentation. Could you try and put together 
>>a test tutorial on any subject that you feel able, iOS for instance. 
>>Your experience with this will give us an idea of how they might look 
>>and how quickly/easily they can be put together. It might also be 
>>useful to attempt to copy the contents over as a straight joomla 
>>article to see how easily one can do the equivalent in joomla. 

Sure I can do this, I think I will do it in Joomla if you could give me editor 
(or is it publisher) rights.

I can start it on my server just for testing purposes.

In terms of quick copying over I guess copying from the Trac editor (assuming 
it has one) will work best. Or trying to copy html into the joomla html editor. 
Just to make copying of URLs easier.

So I will start with a Getting Started IOS document, and see what plugins 
joolma has to offer for Syntax highlighting etc.


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