I am trying to mod this sample to use the following texture type... Does 
osgCompute support this?


jens.svt wrote:
> Hi serkan, hi J.P.,
> Here is a link to a simple example solving your problem:
> http://www.cg.informatik.uni-siegen.de/data/Downloads/svt/osgComputeDemoApp.zip
> We render a rotating cow into a texture then run a cuda-kernel and display 
> the result in the same scene.
> You need to set the usage flags of your render targets to GL_TARGET, e.g. :
> Target0->setUsage( osgCompute::GL_TARGET_COMPUTE_SOURCE ). 
> With this flag you tell the texture that it is used as a FBO. 
> Unfortunately, OpenSceneGraph does not call any function of osg::Texture when 
> it renders into a texture. 
> In other words something like texture->applyAsFBO() is missing. 
> So there is no way to get notified when this happens. 
> The only way to deal with this is to copy the texture memory each time a 
> mapping function is called (GPU->GPU which is still fast). 
> However, for this the user needs to setup the usage flag.
> Additionally, with older drivers/CUDA versions (we are not sure about this) 
> you have to call MRTTexture->unmap() after your kernel has finished. 
> If you do not call unmap(), the MRTTexture is still mapped in the CUDA 
> context and OpenGL cannot render into it successfully.
> Hopefully this helps,
> Jens

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