
First of all: thank you very much whoever ported OSG to Android. You probably 
didn't get enough credit for it.

But on to my real problem: I've been working with the osgAndroidExample 
osgViewer for a while now (building onto the foundations that are given) and 
i'm starting to think that the Light (ON/OFF) button doesn't actually do 
anything. It seems to me that the light is always turned off.

Another thing that I'm not quite sure if it's working correctly is textures. 
Whenever i load something (for instance cow.osg) it just shows in shades of 
black/grey. Am I doing something wrong or are there really functions missing?

oh by the way i'm running it on android 4 on a galaxy s 2. the underlying osg 
is osg 3 and it's all compiled in ubuntu. don't really know if this information 
is necessary though.
Thank you!


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