Am 09.05.12 09:31, schrieb Ulrich Hertlein:
> When running this on OS X I'm seeing some odd behaviour as well:
> - roughly every 7s there is a jump in the draw time (see attached screenshot)
> - this happens even when *not* switching between the two groups (no update 
> callback
> installed; both are visible at the same time)

I see dramatic performance degression, when rotating the cube to a
specific angle, performcance goes down from 60fps to 3fps. (MacPro with
an ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB) Rotating the cube a bit more the
performance goes back to normal.

Maybe Mac OS X internal multithreaded-rendering is the culuprit here,
(which is enabled by default i think).

I've seen this jump every 7s too, but when running the app for a longer
time, the jump goes away.

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