Actually You have to redirect both stdout and stderr
osgviewer cow.osg  > foo.txt 2>&1

On windows "standard" way of logging is to use OutputDebugString function
that connects application to windows debugging facilities (i.e output window
of visual studio). Many libraries print debug messages this way including
MFC, WxWidgets and Qt.

My intention is to incorporate OSG notifications into GUI applications. For
instance I would like to display notifications in a GUI list widget with
messages coloured according to notification severity. In Qt you can do this
by installing custom message sink with qInstallMsgHandler. In OSG you're
stuck with plain std::ostream handle and no severity information.

My proposal is to replace stdout and stderr returned by osg::notify with
custom stream that uses osg::NotifyHandler as message sink (similar to
qInstallMsgHandler in Qt).


Thank you!


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