I managed to get OSG compiled without issue for Android and incorporate it into 
my application.  However, the models I would like to use are .3DS and I'm 
trying to get the 3ds plugin used.  It was disabled in the build process, but 
was reenable without much issue.

However, I don't know how to tie it into my application.  Currently the Android 
toolchain builds OSG statically but when I enable debugging messages the code 
is still looking for .so plugins. This is also an issue for the texture files 
(osgdb_imageio.so). So I have two questions for possible solutions:

1) is there a way to make things that currently use plugins use statically 
linked code?  Like an alternative registration to permanently register those 
plugins at init and make sure the code gets linked in?
2) if not, can anyone suggest how to make the plugins build as a .so and the 
core code to build as a static library (for Android).

Or any other approaches you guys can suggest.

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