Am 23.08.2012 14:34, schrieb Alexej Fink:
Hello Robert,
tank you for the fast replay!

Grep-ing the includes reported, that two classes have the setInitialBound() 
interface: Drawable and Node.
I would like to avoid setting this initial-bound for each single peace of 
geometry (~ Drawable).

Can I just put the initial-bounds on the hi-level group nodes and just skip 
this step for underlying refinement nodes?
Do I have to disable the dynamic bbox calculation of the geometry nodes then?
Hi Alexej,

I had some similiar issue for drawining instanced geometry where the geometry indeed has to cover the bounds of the complete instanced patch. For this i used the setComputeBoundingBoxCallback on the geometry in question to set it to the correct bounding box.
Maybe you could use this on your first-class Node?


robertosfield wrote:
Hi Alexej,

Use the osg::Geometry::setInitialBound() to the extents that you
transformed geometry will be placed.


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