Hi all,

I wish someone here still remember the osgRecipes project I've created and
announced here some months ago. It included 9 different examples at that
time, introducing how to integrate OSG with other 3rdparty libraries and
APIs like Awesomium, Micorsoft Kinect, TUIO, AssImp, etc. Now I'm glad to
tell you that there are another 9 examples out, with 9 completely new
integration examples. They are:

* Box2D: a nice 2D physics engine for games
* Bullet: A professional multiphysics library, this example is very simple
and completely different from the osgBullet project.
* libGizmo: gizmo control library for 3D object manipulation, much
lightweight than osgManipulator and really easy to use!
* MicroPather: a path finder and A* solver, already included in the source
code. Consider add AI to your OSG based games now?
* MyGUI: a fast, flexible and simple GUI, as good as CEGUI, I think.
* ngPlant: a plant modeling software, good for creating trees!
* OpenNI: natural interaction devices middleware, another way to use Kinect!
* OTL: ODBC template library, for DATABASE I/O with only a plugin! Only
tested with Sqllite3 at present
* RVO2: Reciprocal collision avoidance for multi-agent simulation. Thanks
Christian Buchner for the original osgrvo2 example on osg-submissions

All the examples are tested on Windows 7. Hope someone could help me test
them on other platforms.

You may download the project source code in public domain at:

which is also the code repo of the book OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Cookbook.

And see how these examples perform at:

The TODO list of the third wave (still 9 eamples, I think) of osgRecipes is
also listed here for someone who have interests:
Berkelium, Microsoft DirectWrite, GUIChan, MathGL, OIS, Recastnavigation,
ROBOOP, Sundog Silverlining & Triton

Call for more integration ideas now. :-) And glad to see some of the
examples merged into the core OSG trunk, for example, the OTL database
plugin (no dependency), and the AssImp and FreeImage plugins.

Any attentions, feedbacks, and contributions are always appreciated.


Wang Rui
osg-users mailing list

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