On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 15:12 -0400, Judson Weissert wrote:
> On 8/27/2012 2:22 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
> > On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 13:54 -0400, Judson Weissert wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I was hoping someone could help me with a camera manipulator/scaling
> >> problem that I have been having.
> >>
> >> I have a scene graph that contains geometry representing a hydraulic
> >> fracture. The fracture length is of the order 1000ft, the height is of
> >> the order 100ft, and the width is of the order .01ft. I am trying to
> >> appy a width exaggeration factor to the model in order to artificially
> >> inflate the geometry along the width axis (in my case it is along the
> >> z-axis). To accomplish this, I call
> >> osg::PositionAttitudeTransform::setScale(osg::Vec3d(1.0, 1.0, 100.0)) on
> >> the PAT node that I use to orient the fracture in the model. This works
> >> as expected, and the fracture width is exaggerated. However, the camera
> >> manipulator (osgGA::TrackballManipulator) does not return to the same
> >> home position. The larger the scale value, the further the home position
> >> seems to be from the model. Also, the velocity of the camera (model
> >> distance / screen pixel distance) when manipulated via the mouse
> >> increases with the scale value. That is, dragging the mouse an inch on
> >> the screen results in a larger camera manipulation when the scale value
> >> is increased.
> >>
> >> Perhaps I am making some false assumptions regarding how the camera
> >> manipulators and scaling operations interact? Is the scaling operation
> >> messing up a bounding box calculation somewhere? I tried computing then
> >> drawing the bounding box of the root node, but it did not seem to change
> >> for either case. That is, the exaggerated fracture width does not make
> >> the overall volume of the scene any larger (as far as I can tell).
> > I've been working on a custom OrthographicCameraManipulator (and have
> > done FirstPersonShooter and other kinds of CameraManipulators in the
> > past) and I've never seen this behave OTHER than how you're describing.
> >
> > Scaling the PAT will definitely affect the home position of the
> > osgGA::StandardManipulator, so you may end up having to do something
> > like:
> >
> >     osgGA::CameraManipulator* cm = viewer.getCameraManipulator();
> >
> >     cm->setHomePosition(...);
> >
> > That should also set autoComputeHomePosition to false, so it'll stick.
> >
> > I could, of course, be misunderstanding the question. :)
> Thank you.
> After thinking about what you said, I figured I would revisit my bounding box 
> code. I must have made a mistake the first time around because this time I do 
> get a completely different bounding box for the scene when the scale changes. 
> Therefore, the code that is computing the home position thinks that it needs 
> to view a huge volume, even though most of that volume does not actually 
> contain any drawables.
> Therefore, I think I need to fix the bounds calculation and then I will still 
> be able to rely on the default ComputeHomePosition algorithm. So far I have 
> just relied on the default bounds() calculations.
> Thanks,

A Drawable can have a special ComputeBoundsCallback() (something like
that, I'm on my phone right now and can't look it up), so you could use
that as well...

> Judson

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