Hi, Robert, Alistair

Thanks for your replies. 

I've seen osghud example, but that one has no clickable elements on the HUD 
camera. I've tried looking into osgpick example aswell, as it looks more 
suitable for my needs (with clickable buttons), but the thing is I have to use 
InteractiveImageHandler for Qt elements so it didnt work.

I've looked into Cookbook examples aswell, though maybe not deep enough. But 
anyway, changing 

new osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler(widgetImage.get(), texture, camera);


new osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler(widgetImage.get());

makes camera completely "transparent": it does let me spin my 3d model through 
it but the button becomes unclickable too. Is it even possible to make e.g Qt 
button clickable while letting mouse controls through camera, like in osgpick?

Am I missing something important?

PS Right now I'm making new small camera for each Qt control (e.g I need button 
with 100px width and 50px height so there is fit camera created with a bit 
bigger size). Though I'm not sure if it's right way.


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