Hello Per,

I would recommend exporting to .osg instead of .ive when you come to export with maya2osg, since the .osg format is text it is generally compatible across many OSG versions unlike .ive which is binary.

Try to generate solutions for maya2osg using cmake, I think that will work better, perhaps the checked-in solutions are not maintained anymore. I always used solutions I generated myself using cmake.

Hope this helps,


On 07/09/2012 4:39 AM, Per Nordqvist wrote:
Haha, whatever you say :-)

My pipeline is more complicated, since I have existing .3ds + .ive
files I need to update in Maya,
then export back to my application.
For the import to maya I'm looking at the FBX format, for the export
I'll probably need the
osgmaya plugin to get full control.

My application (based on OSG 3.01) is not integrated with maya, so I'm
free to use whatever
OSG version for the plugin as long as the final exported .ive files work.
I have tested compiling against 2.8.3 and 3.01 without success so far,
but only with the existing solution file.
I can't find 2.9.x on the osg website. Might be I have to use svn to
get hold of it.

I'll try some more with cmake and maybe talk to Javier about it. I'll
post here if there is some progress.

Thanks again J-S, impressive that you find the time to help us all.


On 7 September 2012 01:21, Jean-Sébastien Guay <jean_...@videotron.ca> wrote:
Hello Per,

There is no such thing as noise for the OSG list, especially not when it's
so directly related to a project in the OSG ecosystem. It's totally relevant
and will be useful to someone else I'm sure. So I'm putting this back on the
list :-)

I didn't go from any pre-existing solution file, I just generated my own
with maya2osg's cmake build system (similar to OSG's own).

IIRC, I built maya2osgwith an OSG off the SVN trunk, probably close to 3.0.
It's been a while though (at my previous employer which I left over 9 months
ago) so depending on whether your OSG version is more or less recent it may
or may not compile. In that case, you can probably collaborate with Javier
Taibo and / or "PP" (Peter Particle I think it stood for) who were active
developers of the project back then and probably still monitor this list.
You can also subscribe to its own mailing list at


though I think they are on both so they should see these messages too.

Another thing I remember, I would compile maya2osg with an SVN trunk version
of OSG, but the models exported from maya in .osg format would read fine in
an OSG 2.8.3 viewer. So that's what we did, since our own software needed to
use a "stable" / released / numbered version of OSG, not OSG from SVN). Our
pipeline looked like this:

1. Create models in maya
2. Export with maya2osg (compiled against OSG 2.9.x or whatever) in .osg
3. Optimize the .osg model and save it as .ive using a custom tool based on
osgconv (built using OSG 2.8.3, so the binary .ive format was compatible
with our software)
4. Use the .ive or the unoptimized .osg in our software (built using OSG

So as I see it you have 2 options depending on the version of OSG you were
using to build maya2osg:

1. If it was a recent version (3.1 and up, or current SVN trunk) I'm sure
the maya2osg folks will want to update the plugin to build against that
version, so you can try to make it work and submit the changes to them or
talk to them to see if they're willing to do it.
2. If it was an older version, for example the version you need to build
your own software with, you could adopt a pipeline like the one I outlined

As an alternative to option 2, you could also modify maya2osg to compile
against that version of OSG (using #ifdefs with the OSG version to make sure
you don't break its compilation against newer versions). But I think that
might make the code very messy, so the maya2osg folks might not accept to
merge those changes back in, which I think is understandable, and then you'd
be left with having to maintain your own private fork of the plugin...

Hope this helps,


On 06/09/2012 10:49 AM, Per Nordqvist wrote:
Hi J-S, thanks for responding. I assume you started from the Maya 2011
with Visual Studio 2008?
Im trying to compile now but I'm probably using the wrong version of OSG,
getting lots of API related errors during compile time.
Do you remember which version of OSG you used that matches Maya 2011?

(I'm posting off the list to reduce the noise. If I succeed I'll post
the conclusions there)


On 6 September 2012 12:45, Jean-Sébastien Guay <jean_...@videotron.ca>
Hello Per,

I've used Maya2osg with Maya 2012 x64. I compiled the plugin myself


On 06/09/2012 3:22 AM, Per Nordqvist wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to find a working pipeline between osg 3.01 & Maya 2013.
I started with intermediate formats (3ds, flt, obj) but no joy,
material settings are all messed up.

Now I am looking at the native osgMaya:
but it only supports older version of Maya, i.e 2009/10/11.

Has there been any efforts on this plugin for Maya 2013?


/Per Nordqvist

p.s. the community page
points to http://www.diosoft.com/soft/osgmaya/ but this page seems dead.
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Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca

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Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca

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Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca

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