
I am trying to setup 2 cameras viewing the same scene but with different cull 
masks.  Some nodes have nodemask 0x1, others 0x2.

It only seems to work if I use 0x2 as a cullmask for one of the two cameras, 
and the other camera doesn't see anything unless i set it's cullmask to 0xf.  
but I want it to see only the nodes with nodemask 0x1.

here is the graph setup:


. . . . . . . . . . . \-----[camera2]--------/

Camera1 is the main viewer's camera.  (a CompositeViewer with only one view, if 
that matters).  It's CullMask is set to 0x1.

Camera2 is a RTT camera with CullMask set to 0x2.

Both cameras have their inheritanceMask set to( 
osg::CullSettings::ALL_VARIABLES & ~osg::CullSettings::CULL_MASK )

In the scene, there are nodes with NodeMasks set to either 0x1 or 0x2.

There is a shader on the main camera that takes the resulting buffers for 
camera1 and 2 and sends them to the red and green channels respectively...  but 
I don't *think* that has anything to do with the problem.

Just to be clear, lets say we have node1 (mask=0x1) and node2 (mask=0x2)

a camera with cull mask 0x1 doesn't seen anything (bad!)
a camera with cull mask 0x2 sees node2 (good)
a camera with cull mask 0xf sees nodes 1 and 2. (also good)

what I don't understand, is that I have done something identical in a test 
program and it works fine, and I really can't see what is different in my 
current program.

are there pitfalls that I should know about?  there isn't much information 
about the subject out there.


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