Hi All   

I'm doing some hardware accelerated skinning which I've done a few times 
before, but i'm hitting a strange issue. So I do the below to in a visitor to 
add my HardwareRigTransform to the RigGeometry.


osgAnimation::RigGeometry* rig = 
if (rig){
    //apply the HardwareRigTransform
    rig->setRigTransformImplementation(new HardwareRigTransform);
    stateMask |= GLES2ShaderGenCache::RIGGED;

However, once I do this RigGeometry::update() stops being called entirely 
(added some console output to it). So in turn my hardware rig transforms 
operator isn't being called. 

Like I say I've done this before and as far as I can tell the code is the same, 
so was wondering if someone might have run into a similar issue.

If I don't add the hardware rig transform I can see the rigged model (from fbx) 
animating as expected.


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