Hi Randall,

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Randall Hand <randall.h...@gmail.com>wrote:
> I wanted to ask here, is this a known issue when exporting from Maya?
> Before I tell him what's wrong, I wanted to know if there's something
> simple I could try or ask him to do that might resolve it. (eg: check a
> box in the export for "Making OpenScenegraph compliant Textures" :) ).

I'm not sure if this is related to your problem, but certain Autodesk
products embed a proprietary material format that is not even supported by
their own FBX SDK. This prevents 3rd party applications from reading in the
material color/texture information. We've run into the same issue before
and couldn't find a suitable workaround. There is a post on the Autodesk
forum regarding this issue:


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