
I am new to Mac and XCode development. I am familiar with Visual Studio. 

I generated XCodeProject as specified in OSG documentation for the Simulator. 

Here is what I did 

------ Created build system as specified in OSG docs into a folder "BUILD". 
This generated xCodeProject in the BUILD folder. 

------- Opened this xCodeProject in XCode. 

------- Selected "ALL_BUILD" as the active schema and build the project. 

------ The build is successful with out any errors 

------ Selected "install" as the active schema and clicked "Run" button. 
It created "lib" and "include" folders into the destination install directory. 

---- I Created a new project and included the following statement in 
"deligated" header file. Then I am getting an error "osgDB/ReadFile" file not 

I include the "include" folder in "Header Search Paths". Also tried to include 
User Header Search Paths. Still I am getting the same error. 

As I saw in "lib" folder of install directory, it is not having any .a files. 
It has only "pkgconfig" folder and having some .pc files. Also "include" folder 
dosn't have any .h files instead it has some foders and having some files like 
Atomic, Block etc. 

Am I going in correct way? 

Can you please guide how to build iPhoneViewer on IPhone. 

I am using XCode4.2.1 and IOS 10.6.8. 

Thank you! 


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