Hi Chris,

good idea, but actually but does tell me much about the actual problem:

OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_vertex_program' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_EXT_secondary_color' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_EXT_fog_coord' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_multitexture' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_NV_occlusion_query' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_occlusion_query' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_EXT_timer_query' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_timer_query' is supported.
GraphicsWindowWin32::setSyncToVBlank on
Viewer::startThreading() - starting threading
Viewer::startThreading() - contexts.size()=1
Making scene thread safe
Doing add
Doing add
Doing add
  gc->getGraphicsThread()->startThread() 0000000002CAEAD0
Set up threading
cull() got SceneView 0000000002C2AA50
ShaderComposer::~ShaderComposer() 0000000002C27CA0
Uniform Adding parent
Uniform Adding parent
Uniform Adding parent
Uniform Adding parent
Uniform Adding parent
Uniform Adding parent
Uniform Adding parent
end cull() 0000000002C2A8E0
Doing run 0000000002CAEAD0 isRunning()=1
draw() 0000000002C2A8E0
draw() got SceneView 0000000002C2AA50
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_shader_objects' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_vertex_shader' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_shading_language_100' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader4' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_EXT_gpu_shader4' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_tessellation_shader' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_get_program_binary' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64' is supported.
OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters' is supported.
glVersion=4.3, isGlslSupported=YES, glslLanguageVersion=4.3

Compiling VERTEX source:
    1: void main()
    2: {
    3:     gl_Position = ftransform();
    4: }

Compiling FRAGMENT source:
    1: void main()
    2: {
    3:     gl_FragColor = vec4(0.5, 1, 1, 1);
    4: }

Linking osg::Program "" id=3 contextID=0


After compiling OSG 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 over night I found that 3.1.2 
seems to be the only version crashing with shaders. I will upgrade my 
development system to OSG 3.1.3 now to see if the crash bug is gone.

Thank you!


Johannes Scholz
Software Engineer
P3 Voith Aerospace GmbH, Bremen, Germany

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