I have two geometries close together -- one is an osgText object and the
other is just a simple set of planar triangles laying flat behind the text.
The two are separated by a small distance. Both objects are parented with
an AutoTransform.

When I move my camera around in a certain way, the object behind the text
bleeds through it. When the camera is not being moved, both objects appear
fine. I made a small video because I had trouble capturing the issue with a
screenshot. In the video, the text is purple. The object in question is the
black rectangle with the purple border behind the text.


When I move the camera relatively fast, you can see the black rectangle's
triangles bleed through the text momentarily.

I tried messing around with the placement of the objects; I even tried to
increase the distance between the text and the geometry behind it a
substantial amount but this didn't seem to have an effect. Both objects are
in the same render bin.

I've never really seen something like this happen before where the effect
is only present *while* the scene is moving around. If I move the camera
around slow enough or keep it still, the effect isn't visible.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the issue is here?

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