Hi osg-community,

I am working on a stereoscopic renderer which can receive mouse and 
on-screen-touch-events to handle translations of the scene. Now I want to 
extend this to handle gestures of the Xbox-Kinect camera. I already got it 
working for the x and y on-screen translation. Unfortunatly I don't know how to 
handle movements of the z-direction (towards/into the screen). I already ensure 
that my coordinates from my kinect-camera are scaled from -1 to 1 for all 

Here is the code that is already working for X and Y directions. I have tried 
to extend (commented out) it for the Z direction but couldn't get it to work. 
Maybe someone has any idea how to do it. My implementation for the z-direction 
was a complete guess, so it is possible that I am way off.


    double dist = opencover::cover->getViewerScreenDistance();

    // The center is (0.5, 0.5) only if the viewer position is exactly in the 
    // of the screen
    // On the table, we are way more nearer to the bottom, thus, the center is 
    // dynamically. This way, head-tracking is possible
    double horzFrustum = this->frustum.right + fabsf(this->frustum.left  );
    double vertFrustum = this->frustum.top   + fabsf(this->frustum.bottom);
//    double forwardFrustum = fabsf(this->frustum.zfar) + 

    // For stereo, we are interacting on the screen surface and not on the near 
    // thus calculate the motion on the surface
    double surfaceRight = (horzFrustum / 2.0f) * dist / this->frustum.znear;
    double surfaceTop   = (vertFrustum / 2.0f) * dist / this->frustum.znear;
//    double surfaceFar   = (forwardFrustum / 2.0f) * dist / 

    double screenCenterX = this->frustum.right / horzFrustum;
    double screenCenterY = this->frustum.top   / vertFrustum;
//    double screenCenterZ = this->frustum.zfar  / forwardFrustum;

    // Compute x0 and y0 in world coords using the theorem on intersecting lines
    double x0 = (cur.down.x() - screenCenterX) * 2.0 * surfaceRight;
    double y0 = (cur.down.y() - screenCenterY) * 2.0 * surfaceTop;
//    double z0 = (cur.down.z() - screenCenterZ) * 2.0 * surfaceFar;

    // Compute xc and yc in world coords using the theorem on intersecting lines
    double xc = (cur.curr.x() - screenCenterX) * 2.0 * surfaceRight;
    double yc = (cur.curr.y() - screenCenterY) * 2.0 * surfaceTop;
//    double zc = (cur.curr.z() - screenCenterZ) * 2.0 * surfaceFar;

    // Compute translation
    osg::Vec3 direction = Vec3(xc-x0, zc-z0, yc-y0);

    // Get the viewer position
    osg::Vec3 viewerPosition = opencover::cover->getViewerMat().getTrans();

    // Compute new transform matrix

    osg::Matrix transform =
            * osg::Matrix::translate(-viewerPosition)
            * osg::Matrix::translate(direction)
            * osg::Matrix::translate(viewerPosition);

    // Apply the new transformation matrix -- if it's valid
    if (transform.valid())

variable "cur.down" is where the cursor of mouse started clicking / touch on 
the screen first appeared / kinect started captureing the skeleton
variable "cur.curr" is the current position of the corresponding cursor 

I hope someone can help!

Thank you!


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