Hi all,

I want to know how to acquire the screen coordinates of a 3D object?

posi is a Vec3 containing the coordinates information in WCS. Then I tried:

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

    osg::Camera* cam = viewer.getCamera();
    osg::Matrix viewMatrix = cam->getViewMatrix();
    posi = posi*viewMatrix;

    osg::Matrix projectionMatrix = cam->getProjectionMatrix();
    posi = posi*projectionMatrix;

Staring here, the codes do not work anymore:

    osg::Matrix windowMatrix = cam->getViewport()->computeWindowMatrix();
    posi = posi*windowMatrix;

Here the posi is supposed to be the right screen coordinates but it just does 
not work. Then how can I do with this?

Sorry for this simple post but I don't know very well about OpenGL and OSG, and 
this question already occupied me two days.  

So thanks in advance for anyone who gives me a reply!

Thank you!



ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh newbie to OSG......................

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