Hi Frank -- Just adding to what Robert said:

Although FrameBufferObject does derive from StateAttribute, I have never seen it used as an attribute attached to a StateSet. Rather, it's something that Camera uses essentially internally.

Previous postings from Art Tevs (osgPPU) have warned of issues when attaching a FrameBufferObject as an attribute to a StateSet... I think he expected it to override the FrameBufferObject used by some parent Camera, but it didn't work that way. There were possibly other issues too, I don't recall.

The bottom line is that you should probably not use FrameBufferObject directly, and should always let Camera manage it for you.

On 2/5/2013 4:10 PM, Frank Sullivan wrote:

I'm looking at the source code for osg::FrameBufferObject, and as far as I can 
tell, I just have to set this as an attribute on a node's StateSet and be done 
with it?

If this is true, then can I use it in conjunction with Nested Render cameras in 
order to get render-to-texture cameras that render in the order in which they 
are encountered in the scene graph?

Thank you!


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