Hi Terry, all,

In short,
good luck understanding the insane mess that is graphics drivers. It's
all very random.

It's only random if you try to understand it with a few limited tests.... :-)

Someone has applied structured testing to the problem and has come up with this:


This is the "OpenGL driver status" posts, which Christophe Riccio posts every month. He gathers this information using his own very comprehensive OpenGL tests, which cover about every type of functionality you would want to use in a very structured way. So he can say with absolute certainty that a given driver will work with a given usage pattern. (I wish this were used as a base for official Desktop OpenGL conformance tests and that the results of these tests were publicised by Khronos, so that vendors would have a real reason to keep their drivers up to a certain level of quality... But I digress)

Then you just have to know your own app enough to know what it's doing at the OpenGL level... Which is often the hard part :-) Tools like gDEBugger (discontinued) or apitrace (active) can help there.

The only thing I find a pity is that he doesn't keep an easy to search list of older drivers too. If he did, you could easily see that a given feature worked starting with this version, broke in this one and then was fixed in this one, and you could tell that to your clients, knowing which features are critical to your application. You could even automatically enable and disable features in your app by knowing which driver versions they would work on. But maybe that's going too far...

Anyways, it's a useful resource I think.


Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca

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