OT. As a player of GTA 4 and Mafia 2 I hated GPS very much, because it
prevented me from feeling the game, I was always like a blind man in there
having to look at GPS. I turned it off in GTA 4, but Mafia 2 had no such
If you're making a game I would advise to make GPS optional.

2013/2/20 Sebastian Messerschmidt <sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de>

>  Hello Héctor,
>  Hello Sebastian,
> thank you for your quick reply. Let me re-explain my question.
> The main point is the navigation system. I am looking for something like
> the following:
> -          There is a 2D map (we don’t care now about how the map has
> been made).
> -          The system gets the map as an input with a starting point and
> a destination.
> -          The system has to calculate the shortest route (maybe with A*
> algorithm or similar) from the starting point to the destination, and
> avoiding obstacles (that are defined in the map). Let’s think in static
> obstacles only.
> -          The map and the route have to be displayed in the OSG scene
> (in the HUD, for example, but that’s not a problem for me).
> So, I need to know if there is a way to define the map with obstacles
> (with coordinates of whatever), load it into any library, calculate the
> route and transform the coordinates of the map and the route into something
> that can be displayed into OSG.
> Thank you.
> Cheers
> Okay, I see your question is a bit off-topic. But I'll give you some hints
> anyways.
> In my company we developed different algorithms and tools to create such
> navigation meshes, to calculate (weighted) shortest paths and to navigate a
> map.
> Basically one option is to define polygons (which are not necessarily your
> database polygons, and should be convex) which can be visited by a model.
> These polygons have neighbor which define edges for moving from polygon A
> to B.
> Now simply treat those polygons (e.g. their center of gravity) as nodes in
> a graph, and all edges between the polygons as edges in the graph
> (potentially with a weight).
> The resulting graph can then be traversed with A* or similar algorithms.
> Also another option is to skip the polygons and simply place points to
> positions that are reachable, and define edges. So basically you sort of
> draw your graph to your map. Then you would again use A* on this data
> structure.
> As for the display of the resulting route; simply draw the resulting
> line-segments from you A* search.
> There are a lot of papers about automatic/semi-automatic navigation and
> map creation, based on obstacle geometries, visitable polygons etc.
> You will find literally hundreds of approaches, but I'm sorry that I
> cannot point to a specific one, as everything is dependent on your scene.
> hth
> Sebastian
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