Hi Sergey,

I found the ive format to perform the best with combination of using S3TC
textures. Try using this:

osgconv --compressed-dxt5 master.flt master.ive ... You will see big
difference in loading and rendering time


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt <
sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello Sergey,
> Can you elaborate what you mean by fixed to flt? Does this mean that you
> need OpenFlight as target format?
> I found OpenFlight terribly slow to load and rolled my own converter to
> make it paged, optimized etc., but you'll need to stick to osgb for this,
> as the flt-format simply does not support all features.
> Also I guess the OpenFlight exporter is not fully fledged, so it is more
> aiming to translate as much information from the scenegraph as possible,
> instead of being optimized towards writing a performance-optimzed flt.
> Another hint that I can give you, is to look which options are supported
> by the importer/exporter, there might be some room for optimization/faster
> loading.
> In general: If you have structured databases (e.g. more the one flight, a
> master, possibly some externals) optimizing per element can give you some
> advantages.
> cheers
> Sebastian
>  2 robertosfield.
>> No, release build.
>> robertosfield wrote:
>>> HI Sergey,
>>> Are you doing your tests with a debug build?
>>> Robert.
>> 2 ledocc (David Callu)
>> Thanks, will try but i am kinda fixed with OpenFlight.
>>  Hi Sergey
>>> I'm not familiarized with OpenFlight loader,
>>> But you could use osgconv to convert your model from flt to osgb.
>>> Then use the osgb version in your application. This way, you use an
>>> optimized
>>> scene and read the native osg format when you load the model that will
>>> speed up the read process.
>>> HTH
>>> David
>> Can anybody, please, give me some advice on optimizing AND saving
>> scenegraphs? I found out that different options of optimizations are only
>> usefull with some others. Also I'm starting to think that some sorts of
>> optimizations cannot be saved. Is it true? What should I read on using
>> osgUtil::Optimizer or maybe somebody can explain it to me? :)
>> ------------------
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forum.openscenegraph.**org/viewtopic.php?p=53411#**53411<http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=53411#53411>
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