
Can somebody explain me or address me to some documentation on what primary and 
secondary splits level are ?

I'm trying to make a  VPB model working with osgearth but without success.

osgearth  works fine with a model generated with osgdem in which all files are 
in the XXX_root_L0_X0_Y0 folder . I does not work  with models generated with 
vpbmaster with a more complex folder structure. I tried all options in  
vpbmaster and osgearth  VPB driver .

At the end I founfd this tricky solution but do not like it. 
- I generate the model with vpbmaster
- move all generated files in the XXX_root_L0_X0_Y0 folder

This works fine wth osgearth_view ( no mather which option on primary o 
secondary split or directory structure ) but then it does not work with 

Thank you!


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