On 8.5.2013 7:04, Sujan Dasmahapatra wrote:
I am trying to implement a mouse press event with QT and OSG but unable to do it. Pls help.

Below is my ViewerWidget class which is derived from QWidget and osg::CompositeViewer......In the constructor I got gView which is a osg::GLWidget, I am trying override mousePressEvent but when I click message not coming. What I am doing wrong pls help..


osg::Camera* ViewerWidget::createCamera( int x, int y, int w, int h, const std::string& name, bool windowDecoration )
        osg::DisplaySettings* ds = osg::DisplaySettings::instance().get();
osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits;
        traits->windowName = name;
        traits->windowDecoration = windowDecoration;
        traits->x = x;
        traits->y = y;
        traits->width = w;
        traits->height = h;
        traits->doubleBuffer = true;
        traits->alpha = ds->getMinimumNumAlphaBits();
        traits->stencil = ds->getMinimumNumStencilBits();
        traits->sampleBuffers = ds->getMultiSamples();
        traits->samples = ds->getNumMultiSamples();
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> camera = new osg::Camera;
camera->setGraphicsContext( new osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt(traits.get()) );
        camera->setClearColor( osg::Vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0) );
camera->setViewport( new osg::Viewport(0, 0, traits->width, traits->height) );
30.0f, static_cast<double>(traits->width)/static_cast<double>(traits->height), 1.0f, 10000.0f );
        return camera.release();

I don't know why this code didn't crash, I think it should. Anyway, you should create an instance of the CSGraphicsView somewhere within createCamera:

CSGraphicsView* gView = new CSGraphicsView;
gView->setGeometry(x, y, w, h);
traits->inheritedWindowData = new osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt::WindowData( gView );

or you can pass an instance of the CSGraphicsView to the osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt constructor.

Robert Milharcic
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