I have been exploring osgParticle::ExplosionEffect for use with our software 
and have run into a few things I haven't yet been able to figure out.

1) We use the Qt resource system to compile and link into our executable some 
of the binary resources we need, including some images. I have used this system 
to store a .png file as a resource and have been trying to use that png file as 
the texture for the particle effects in an ExplosionEffect. When I invoke 
myExplosion->setTextureFileName(":explosiontexture"), the texture appears not 
to have been loaded. When I invoke it with an actual path to the same file 
sitting on my hard drive, it works without problem. So, can anyone tell me if 
the Qt Resource system's naming convention for referring to internal binary 
resources is in some way usable with the setTextureFileName interface in 

2) The ExplosionEffect seems to be oriented with a z-up orientation. I am using 
OSGEarth and would like to have the explosions oriented at a local up axis, not 
a global z-up axis. I tried to add my explosions as a child of a 
MatrixTransform, but this seemed not to have the desired effect. Any tips or 
tricks on what my best options are?

Thanks in advance for any help you may provide!

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