Am 27.05.2013 10:46, schrieb Robert Osfield:
Hi Sebastian,

On 27 May 2013 09:32, Sebastian Messerschmidt
<> wrote:
Should this go to the FAQ/HowTo section on the website?
Documenting this VS bug and the workaround would be sensible.  I don't
have any expertiese on modern VS issues so am not well placed to
explain the issue.  Do you have an account on the new joomla website?
No I don't.
I'm volunteering to describe the issue and the workaround.

This seems to be an error in VS linker. I think there was proposed patch
(something about implementing the destructor IIRC).
It would be nice if we could provide a workaround, as it affects basically
every VS2010/12 application linking with osg based libraries.
I don't recall a proposed patch for this issue.
I didn't find it at glance, so it might be buried somewhere.

Personally I'd recommend just dumping VisualStudio and Windows but I'm
not sure my personal preference will go down well, at least not for a
few more years :-)
I guess there are a lot of people who are not sharing your preference ;-)
But anyways, I guess supporting a lot of platforms/compilers is important.

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