Hi again, and thanks, everyone, for the very useful input!

Re: why I am doing this...  I am interested in using FlightGear to feed
images and data to another application.  My use case is not a traditional
IG/Host application - for my immediate, personal needs I am actually
interested in using FlightGear to serve skybox images and terrain data to a
first-person-shooter game environment, built in Unity3D.   For details on
this project, see the following blog:


I have already written a proof of concept demo application which basically
does what I want, setting up a socket connection between my Unity app and
FlightGear, passing player position and other information to FG and causing
it to save out the necessary skybox images and terrain data for the
player's current world location.  However, while writing the raw socket
code, it seemed to me that someone must have already thought about this and
done it better than I... and then I heard about CIGI from one of the FG
developers and started researching it.  It seemed to be an extremely
thorough extrapolation of everything I'd ever thought of and much much
more, and being an open source industry standard, it seemed more useful to
FlightGear and the general population to make my communication with FG
follow this protocol.

At the same time, it became evident that there may be a possibility for
funding my project through a foundation which supports, I paraphrase,
increasing public access to electronic information.  My particular angle on
this is geographic information, in that the FlightGear world is build from
and has tools for import of GIS data, as well as weather modelling, etc.
With my project, I hope to bring it closer to feasibility for other various
and diverse applications to be able to use FlightGear's capabilities for
world visualization, set apart from its abilities as a flight simulator.

So, that is my goal, the exact methodology is still a little up in the
air.  If the decision is between rolling my own CIGI based library, and
just rolling my own proprietary library from scratch, it seems like I might
as well start with CCL, since it is _some_ sort of standard anyway, and
there _are_ people out there using it.

The decision to try to move it up the chain to OSG instead of implementing
it straight in FG is based on a) hoping that this would be more useful to
more people, and that if so, they might take a hand in maintaining my
implementation in the future, and b) hoping that by increasing the utility
for more people, my project will appear more worthy of support from the

However, I must confess some doubts, as mentioned above, when I notice how
many of the CIGI functions relate to higher order logic that I wouldn't
necessarily expect many OSG users to share in.  In addition, there may be
some parts of OSG that could be supported by a CIGI implementation, but are
actually not used in FlightGear, in favor of a local system, and these
could present complications for me as well.

The other elephant in the room for this whole project is HLA/RTI -
FlightGear has already made large strides in the direction of HLA support,
with the openRTI project and an FGViewer side project which uses OSGViewer
and HLA to create external cameras.  I am new to all of these protocols and
still trying to figure out how they compare/contrast, but it would appear
that for purposes of an external app directing a simulator to configure
itself and return image data, CIGI might be a functional solution, while
for multiple simulators running in parallel, where each may need to
broadcast parts of its own local information to the whole group, that HLA
would make the most sense.  Does anybody here have extensive experience
with HLA that they might want to share?

In any event, rest assured, I have no intention to exhaustively support
every control type defined by the protocol!  I'm only applying for six
months' FTE here and am focused only on the most basic set of CIGI
functions that will accomplish my limited purposes.  I do hope to provide a
framework for others to expand on, though, if anyone else desires more
thorough coverage.

So, anyway... in conclusion I don't really know for sure what I should be
doing, but I have a possible direction to go and only a couple of days left
before submitting the application... further feedback?

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Lionel Lagarde

>  Hi,
> I work on an image generator based on OpenSceneGraph and driven by CIGI co
> mmands.
> Web site of the company: http://www.oktal-se.fr
> Section SE-FAST-IG.
> At first MPV was a source of inspiration. This is no longer the case now.
> It's been a few years since I look at MPV base code.
> Lionel
>  On 24/05/2013 23:26, Chris Calef wrote:
>    Hi,
>  I'm new to OSG, coming in from the direction of FlightGear, but I'm here
> primarily because I am interested in implementing a CIGI interface to
> FlightGear, and would like to put as much of this work as possible into an
> OSG module in order to make it useful to the larger OSG community and not
> only FlightGear developers.
>  I have read the conversations about doing this from several years ago,
> but have not found any recent discussion or located any available code
> drops.  I have downloaded the MPV example from CIGI at sourceforge, which
> is based on OSG, and that is quite helpful, but I wanted to introduce
> myself here and see if anyone can catch me up on any other existing work in
> this direction, or give me advice about where to start.
>  Much of the CIGI interface is dedicated to higher order simulation
> functions (ie celestial bodies, ocean conditions, aircraft controls) which
> are probably too specific to implement at the OSG layer, but I'd like to
> make at least a virtual wrapper in OSG which could be inherited by
> FlightGear and other OSG based projects, each of which could determine on
> its own which functions to support, and how to support them.
>  Any pointers would be welcome.  I am applying for funding for this
> project in one week, so the more information I can gather before then the
> better.
>  Thanks for all your efforts!
> Chris Calef, CTO
> BrokeAss Games, LLC
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