Hi All,

I have just checked in some further refinement to how the deprecated
functionality is handled.  Rather than providing a #ifdef
OSG_USE_DEPRECATED_METHODS to switch on/off the compile of these
deprecated methods they have been moved entirely out of osg::Geometry,
and placed into a new namespace specifically to help out with
compiling old code that uses the deprecated features.  The new
namespace is deprecated_osg, with deprecated_osg::Geometry now defined
within it, this class implements the
AttributeBinding_BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE and set*Indices() methods.
deprecated_osg::Geometry subclasses from osg::Geometry so gets all the
non deprecated functionality as well.

This change will mean that code that uses Geometry::set*Indicies() or
Geometry::set*Binding(osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE) will now fail
to compile with a warning that these aren't available, to get these to
compile you'll need to replace osg::Geometry with
deprecated_osg::Geometry and everything should work.  It will still be
neccessary to run the Geometry::fixDeprecatedData() on these
deprecated geometries.  This method is called automatically by
Geode::addDrawable() so often you won't need to call it.

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