Hi Robert,
thanks for the changes, now both checking out and building OpenThreads
2.3.0 works like a charm.
The fix in
http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=5571&highlight=2.3.0 was
not needed.
Out out curiosity, I also tried to build 2.6.0.
Here, I ran into CMake-problems
1. the one described in the link above about the missing
2. another one about a missing packaging/pkgconfig/openthreads.pc.in.
Copying the ones from osg 3.0.1 into the corresponding folders in
OpenThreads solved the problems, and building worked well from then on.
I don't know the backgrounds of having OpenThreads in a separate
repository, but it is certainly useful to being able to build and use
OpenThreads without the whole rest of osg. The question is of course how
this is most easily implemented and maintained; another variant might be
to make it a build option in cmake in osg rather than a separate repository.
It might be a good idea to set up an automatic test build in either
case, because then problems like these are much earlier caught, which
often makes it easier to fix them.
Thanks again for your help!
Best regards,
Michael Brandl
On 2013-07-19 18:36, Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Michael,
I've just checked out OpenThreads-2.3.0 and found the same errors as you
and have now updated the OpenThreads-2.3.0 tag to point to
OpenSceneGraph-2.6.1 which is the last time when the two versions where
actually released independently.
Since OSG-2.6.1 I can't see any corresponding OpenThreads tag so I'll
now look to make sure OSG-3.2 goes out with an corresponding OT
version. The version specified in the
trunk/src/OpenThreads/CMakeLists.txt is 2.6.0, SO version 12, which is
the same as OSG-3.0.1 which isn't right as OT has changed a bit since
3.0.1. I'm afraid little annex of the OSG project has become rather
neglected. I think probably the right thing to do is create a OT-2.6.0
off OSG-3.0.1, and then create a OT-2.8.0 off the OSG-3.2 branch...
How I wish we'd not bothered with keeping out the possibility of
providing OT separately, this stuff is just a pain.
On 19 July 2013 16:34, Michael Brandl <michael.bra...@algoryx.se
<mailto:michael.bra...@algoryx.se>> wrote:
I was trying to checkout OpenThreads 2.3.0 and noticed that the link
changed from
However, OpenThreads includes OpenThreads-related code from the
OpenSceneGraph-repo via svn-externals.
The links in these svn-externals seem still to be wrong:
Path: include/OpenThreads
Path: src/OpenThreads
There are actually 2 issues here:
1. The urls should be adapted to the new format
<http://svn.openscenegraph.org/osg/.>.. instead of
<http://www.openscenegraph.org/svn/osg/..>.) , right now checking
out simply does not work.
2. Is it a good idea that the tagged version of OpenThreads points
to the trunk in osg? I think not; rather, it should point to a tag
in osg, otherwise users checking out a tag might actually get
different results based on when they checked out, which defeats the
purpose of having tags to begin with.
The question is which osg-tags to point to, neither 2.3.0 nor 3.0.1
work out of the box due to cmake-problems (I applied the fix
addressed here
Sorry if this issue has already been addressed somewhere, I did not
find it via the search function.
Best regards,
Michael Brandl
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