Hi all out there

I am trying to build content for our OSG-based driving simulation engine. I 
have some complete terrains (terrain, buildings, streets, vegetation, etc) that 
were build (externally) on a terravista based toolchain.

I was searching the forum to find out what tools people use to generate such 
content showing urban or natural areas, with cities, villages etc. There are 
some discussions about similar subjects... 

There are some osg based tools like osgEdit (outdated), osgExplore (view 
only?), Remo3D (commercial, but focused on models, not terrain), Blender 
(export issues?), etc.

I thought it would be worth a thread where people just line up their tool chain 
and what they use for what, starting from generating terrain, to placing roads, 
buildings, vegetation, optimizing, exporting, etc.

There you go!


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