
I know this has been asked before, but I could not find a decent answer in 
previous posts. The problem is that I compile osg, and I want to use the plugin 
for jpeg. Now I followed the directions exactly (I think) on the getting 
started sections. I downloaded the dependencies, put them in a seperate 
directory, use CMake, and it finds the libjpg.

First thing that is not clear however: there are 2 dependencies packages for 
MSVC++ 10 that I can download. Of of them only contains a lib, bin etc., and 
the other one has x86 and x64 directories in them, each with lib bin etc. It 
doesn't say anywhere what I am supposed to do.. should I pick either one, or 
both, and what should I base my choice on? and if both, do I need to copy stuff 
from where to where exactly? 

Now I just downloaded the first dependency package (decision pretty much based 
on nothing, but it contains a jpeg library so I thought it would be ok). Cmake 
finds the jpeg library under 
D:/OpenSceneGraph_3.2_source/3rdparty/lib/libjpegD.lib. So far so good...

Then I do what it tells me I compile OSG and I build the INSTALL project... OSG 
works fine, but no JPEG plugin (error when trying to use a .jpg about the 
plugin not being available. 
Also when I check the OSG workspace there is no project for the jpeg library I 
think, unless its names weird and I didn't see it. I tried CMake again but when 
generating I do not see any specific errors on the JPEG plugin.

So any idea what is going on? Why is the jpeg plugin not built?

Thank you!


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