On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Ale Maro <sash...@teletu.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> attached (under red arrows) is a strange effect I have when I use 
> SoftShadowMap.
> Is this something expected or not? Can I improve the visualization?
> I have tried changing texture size (now it is 1024) and effect seems reduced 
> but it do not disappear.

How large is your scene? 1024x1024 may not give sufficient resolution
for the shadow map and then produce artefacts like what you see - that
is a consequence of the random sampling the soft shadow map shader
does. Soft shadow map is best used for small scenes.

BTW, could you use something else than BMP for attachments, please? A
compressed PNG image is likely going to be several times smaller.

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